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Tuesday Nov. 12th, 2024 | 7:30-10pm

Fireside Tunes is meant to capture the essence of some of our most-loved experiences – spending the evening with folks we care about, listening to live music in a down-to-earth, low-key (but high-vibe) atmosphere, sipping craft drinks, and sharing a love of music – all around our stone-cut fire pits (weather permitting) or inside The Lakely’s cozy lounge.

Bob Pecor found music as a retirement hobby when his daughter asked him to play in her Ukulele Club group in Minneapolis. As a lifetime guitar player, it was an easy transition to Uke and the beginning of a new passion. On his way home from one of those events, he wrote his first song, “Four Words of Happiness” He has performed with the Eau Claire Ukulele club group and formed a trio, “Blue Sky” to do gigs around the area. The 2022 Songwriters conference at MOBATMA kicked his writing ambitions into gear. Now some 50 songs later, he is Bob Pecor Music with a focus on original tunes as a solo or partnered with other performers.

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